ניו יורק (הסתיימה)
14 בינואר עד 28 בינואר 2018 מטה האומות המאוחדות
ברלין (הסתיימה)
מרץ 2017 שגרירות שוויץ בברלין
סינגפור (הסתיימה)
31 בינואר עד 25 בפברואר 2018 הספרייה המחוזית של ג'ורונג
וושינגטון (הסתיימה)
9 באפריל עד 29 באפריל 2018 מרכז אמנות IA&A at Hillyer
וירג'יניה (הסתיימה)
9 בפברואר עד 27 במרץ 2018 מוזיאון השואה של וירג'יניה בריצ'מונד
26 March until November 2019
Hecht Museum at the University of Haifa
8 May until 9 May 2019
University of Tirana
23 May until 27 June 2019
Mémorial de la Shoah
(Extended due to big success and popular demand until November 2019)
12 December 2019
Jewish Refugee Museum
6 February to 8 March 2020
Centre Neumünster
12 April until 4 August 2019
Historisches und Völkerkundemuseum St.Gallen
אראו (הסתיימה)
16 במרץ עד 20 במאי 2018 פורום שלוספלאץ, אראו
ציריך (הסתיימה)
2 במאי עד 15 ביוני 2017 ארכיונים של היסטוריה בת זמננו, המכון הטכנולוגי של ציריך (ETH)
ברן (הסתיימה)
19 באוקטובר עד 25 בנובמבר קורנהאוספורום, ברן
בזל (הסתיימה)
30 בנובמבר עד 21 בדצמבר 2017 אוניברסיטת בזל, קולגיינהאוס
ז'נבה (הסתיימה)
25 ביוני עד 29 ביוני אולם המליאה של הברית הבין-לאומית לזיכרון השואה (IHRA)
ציריך (הסתיימה)
2 במאי עד 15 ביוני 2017 ארכיונים של היסטוריה בת זמננו, המכון הטכנולוגי של ציריך (ETH)
5 September until 9 September 2019
25 April until 5 May 2019
Neuhausen am Rheinfall
27 January until 14 February 2020
Cantonal High School Seetal
Cancelled due to Covid 19
May to July 2020
Cancelled due to Covid 19
Ben Gurion University, Israel
Spring 2020
Cancelled due to Covid 19
June to August 2020
Cancelled due to Covid 19
January/February 2020
Ohel-Rachel Synagogue
Cancelled due to Covid 19
November - Dezember 2020
Cancelled due to Covid-19
Wil, St.Gallen
January until March 2021
Cancelled due to Covid-19
12. January until 29. January 2021
Cancelled due to Covid-19
7. July 2020, lecture to last-swiss-holocaust-survivors
Cancelled due to Covid-19
St. Gallen
May 2021
Visit the online exhibition
Villmergen, Kanton Aargau
April-Mai 2021
8. September until 22. September 2021
KV Zürich
«La scelta va fatta tutti i giorni, tutti i momenti. Non si può far passare un giorno senza scegliere da che parte stare. / Every day you have to take a stand, make THE choice. You cannot let a day pass without making on which side to pick.»
Liliana Segre, Holocaust survivor and "senator for life". She visited the exhibition in Milano together with the President of Italy Sergio Mattarella.
«I do appreciate the important engagement of Anita Winter very much. She is a representative of the successor generation of Holocaust Survivors in Switzerland, who keeps alive the collective memory about the most horrible genocide in Europe. With this exhibition we need to engrave into our collective memory what such cruelties meant and mean for each individual, their families, the survivors and for us as a society in general. We should learn from it and not let happen any of such inhumanity never ever again. Due to such engagements and exhibitions we will never forget. Personally, I am very touched by the individual stories and destinies and I am grateful, that not hate but hope became their true directory in their lives.»
Christa Markwalder, Member of Swiss Parliament, Speaker 2015/16
«Das ist eine wunderbare Angelegenheit. Ich wünsche viel Erfolg.»
Odette Brunschvig
תערוכה של קרן גמאראל
Concept and Text: Dr. Pascal Krauthammer, Cristina Schaffner, furrerhugi.ag, Gregor Spuhler, Sabina Bossert, Sandra Schmid, Anita Winter
Academic Advice: Dr. Gregor Spuhler, Dr. des. Sabina Bossert and Dr. Daniel Nerlich, Archives of Contemporary History, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich
Texts by the witnesses of the Holocaust: Agnes Hirschi, Kurt Salomon, Professor Ladislaus Löb, Professor Sami Sandhaus, Walter Strauss, Eva Toren, Catherine Rübner, Fishel Rabinowicz, Bronislav Erlich, Kurt Appel, Gabor Hirsch, Katharina Hardy, Professor I. Lefkovits, Germaine Goldberg, Nina Weil, J. Hadzis, Emil Roosen, Eduard Kornfeld, H.Eliaz, Professor I. Lefkovits and many more
Guides for the exhibition: A. Zumbühl, J. Müller, P. Häusler, R. Hiltbrunner, B. Dubler, C. Rosen, E. Aebersold, M. Scheer, J. Breiten, F. Vögeli, A. Bloch, J. Mahrer, R. Perlini, R. Vonlanthen, I. Haller, L. Linder, B. Anderegg, A. Szymczyk
Design: Alisa Winter, L. Levi
Traveling Exhibition Manager: Gadi Winter
Photography: B. Mumenthaler, A. Ruoss, N. Eugster, Manalmaa Mengold, F. Stecher, Doris Fanconi, P. Garbani, Marlon, F. Frey, B. Zaech, T. Zürni, Frédéric Diserens, Ch. Stark, P. Barbera, Alissa Sarah, P. Müller, M. Elsener, B. Detre, Anna-Sophie B., Enzo Capaccio, Béatrice Devènes, Nikolaus Have, A. Bernstein, Pierre Michel Virot, Geraldine Wälchli, S. Bühler, D. Maillet, S. Stojanovic, J. Knappitsch, E. Hasler, C. Raemy, Annaelle, M. Ries, Vadim Kolothurshki, Raphael Kanfer, Anastasia Karpenko, P. Trummer
Film: Eric Bergkraut, Norbert Jenal, C. Nogler, M. Bruhin, F. Stecher, P. Garbani, Frédéric Diserens, Ch. Stark, Dominik Rupf, Andrei Dudea, B. Detre, J. Bleeker, Leon Spanier, D. Goldberg, Nikolaus Have, K. Tomaszewska, Studio Kropka, P. Clemente, Transfer Video Solutions SA, Service Titra Film, Global Audivisuel SA, A. Bernstein, Pierre Michel Virot, Geraldine Wälchli, S. Bühler, A. Brupbacher, A. Maranta, S. Stojanovic, J. Knappitsch, E. Hasler, C. Raemy, Annaelle, E. Alexandrowsky, K. Vadim, R. Yudovsky, Vitascope Film Production, Raphael Kanfer, Anastasia Karpenko, P. Trummer, Peter Huwiler
Editing: Dominik Süess
Proofreading: Benita Schnidrig
Printing: Stämpfli Druck, Art Poster Gallery AG, Christophe Bargellini, Pagina AG Binderei, Ast und Fischer, Mia Raveh, Image Factory, Role Communication, Ast und Fischer
Digital Communication: Manuel Winter, Rafael Winter, Fränzi Thürer, Joseph Meiselles, T. Levi
Website: Antonio Lopez Martin, Alex Meier, Stefan Schefer, K. Kostov, Stefan Neunhaeuserer, Getunik AG, Helena Schneider-Reuter, Anso Kneipp, Rea Dalipi
Translations: Dr. Brigitte Sion, Carin Coray, Kejian Cao, Aline Brizzi, Gaia Bossi, Irene Buoso, Neva Casagrande, Marina Gerster, Chiara Giaccio, Laura Gianinazzi, Sara Marchesi, Hellmut Riediger, Cora Veneziano, Cédric Luisier, ZHAW - Institute of Translation and Interpreting, David Fouillé, Laura Thomann, Pascal Borgeaud, Carmen Schnyder, Nadja Schranz, Olivia Tettü, Cyrille Baumann, Nicole Arni, Sabrina Schärli, D. Goldberg, Professor Ladislaus Loeb, J. Rabinowitsch, Ioannis Papadakis, Fishel Rabinowicz
Spanish: Natalia Donoso, Nicole Fellmann, Shana Graf, Julia Manser, Silvina Merani, Rebeca Nacht, Layla Peter, Linda Süess y Daniela Wächter, Instituto de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Zúrich, ZHAW
Translation to Arabic: Dimersky Translations
Translation to Hebrew: Meira Turetzky
Translation to Polish: D. Gołębiowska, A. Mirkowska, K. Tomaszewska
Translations to Greek: Think in Words Interpreters, Iannis Kallifatidis
Translation to Ukrainian: Vadim Kolotushki
Translations in Portugiesisch: Sofia Rizzello
Translations Film Subtitles: Elrom Productions
Visual Design: Orli Hatzofe, Odile Georges
Curatorial Advice: Bernhard Giger and Pascal Schneiter, Kornhausforum Bern, C. Minelli
Archiv: M. Pesollilo, Manalma Mengold, Tizi Zürni, Nadine Schneider, Rea Dalipi
Graphic: Sandra Bühler
Administration: J. Aebersold, R. Markwalder, M. Neuenschwander, U. Vögeli, Z. Eltawil, J. Haider, C. Günter, D.Goldberg, F.Lazarevic, Shunit Marmelstein, J. Rabinowitsch, G. Wälchli, J. Knappitsch, P. Ziehman, C. Abplanalp, Alexander Bollag, David Brown, Cinzia d’Adamo, Professor I. Fouxon, Rea Dalipi, Sara Dalipi, Davide Saccardo, E. Seidler, Sivamathy Vigneswaran, Sara Kisevic, Shuli S.
Accounting: Ernst & Young, Eric Vandeventer
Revision: Price Waterhouse Group