Offer to Schools and Universities in cooperation with PH FHNW
Guided tours (of 60 or 90 minutes) for school classes will take place. For further information and registration please contact
Inquiries to
Teachers' Manual
For teachers of school classes at Sekundar I, II and Gymnasium level a guide to the exhibition prepared by the Archiv für Zeitgeschichte (Archives of Contemporary History) of the ETH Zürich will be provided. For more information please contact
Based on interactive principles, the guide is intended to serve as a brief introduction to the Holocaust in its historical context. Topics discussed will include different methods of survival, ways of coping with the experiences and losses after the event and the significance of witnesses’ appeals to us today.
It will be helpful for students visiting the exhibition to have studied the Holocaust in their regular courses.
We recommend that teachers allow 90 minutes for a visit to the exhibition.
Our book: Last-Swiss-Holocaust-Survivors
available in English, Deutsch, Italienisch, Französisch,Rätoromanisch, Spanisch, Chinesisch,Arabisch, Hebräisch, Türkisch, Albanisch,Russisch, Polnisch, Griechisch, Portugiesisch.
Cooperation partner:
Digital book «Schweizer Jugend im Zweiten Weltkrieg»